It’s been a while…

…since I wrote for the last time here.

Busy weeks, moving into a new little office, creating this small studio… BICOTÉ!

And working working working…

Now, creating these characters for a 3D piece that we are going to produce throughout the summer.

The Codes

At BICOTÉ we’ve been working on the design and animation for the teaser of the documentary ‘The Codes’ by Gregory Warner.

nieces & nephews

Past Christmas I have made portraits of some of my nieces and nephews.

I introduce you to Ovidi   🙂

Pato Alfred

This tiny guy is going to be out on Cinesa Theatres screens very soon.

Also in full Stereoscopic!



He fet les il·lustracions per a la imatge d’un futur projecte d’Aitor Gutierrez.

La Masia del Barça

De nou treballant amb la gent de Nueve Ojos, en una marató per fer les visuals mappejades de l’acte inagural de la nova Masia del Barça!

L’acte sencer, aquí.

San Francisco

recta final…

mini cards!

New MOO mini cards!